Data analysis and data visualization in sales

Data analysis and data visualization in sales
Data and context
Data Strategy
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Simon Biela
Reading time
6 minutes

The right solution for every use case

Providing the right people with the right information at the right time and in the right place is a huge challenge for a company's sales department. Below we have prepared some use cases that are often requested and that we regularly implement.

Sales management

The challenge

Data for sales and distribution can be found in a variety of different systems and data sources. However, there is often no overview of the pipeline, meaning that sales professionals have to repeatedly invest valuable time in manually searching for and merging data in order to successfully manage sales.

Up-to-date, consistent and reliable data is a prerequisite for successful sales management. This enables strategic and operational decisions and quick reactions to changing market conditions.

Our approach

We ensure that in future all relevant sales data, for example CRM and ERP data, is quickly and automatically merged and can be evaluated across the board. This means that sales management can keep an eye on the pipeline, forecasts and performance at all times and everywhere. Sales overviews are increasingly being generated at the touch of a button. With the option of looking into the details at any time or creating further evaluations and dashboards yourself. As a result, there is always a clear view of the deals behind the data. Solutions for self-service BI such as Tableau or Power BI offer the advantage of being able to easily create reports yourself and act agilely on the market.

Dealer management

The challenge

If you want to sell a product, you need sales channels and a network of retailers and sales partners. Access to relevant information is required in order to evaluate the success of the dealers and manage it in a targeted manner. Currently, this access is often provided by exporting data from ERP (e.g. SAP) and other systems. This means that data has to be laboriously compiled manually and prepared in the form of large Excel spreadsheets. This makes it difficult to gain insight into the data and find relevant information for retailer management.

Our approach

Well-structured dashboards and reports, in which the most important information is prepared in such a way that insights are immediately apparent, are suitable for supporting the sales force and other people who communicate directly with sales partners. This allows questions to be answered immediately, such as why a retailer is selling fewer of certain products than others and what the reasons for this are. In this way, employees can act as competent advisors for sales partners so that they can make their own company more successful overall.

Solutions for self-service BI such as Tableau or Power BI offer a particular advantage in this context. Thanks to the ease of use of the solutions, users do not only have to rely on standard reports provided in advance, but are also able to carry out a detailed analysis of the data on site at the retailers. This allows them to specifically answer the questions that are most important in the respective situation.

Product range analysis and demand forecast

The challenge

Every company aims to sell as many products as possible in order to increase turnover. In addition, however, as many products as possible should be sold that offer the highest contribution margins in order to achieve high profits. Practice shows that profits are often only achieved with a small part of the product range. In addition, future customer demand must also be forecast so that the product range can be optimized.

To remain competitive, wholesalers and retailers must be able to analyze trends and react quickly and precisely to unusual events. Every day that a decision is delayed can lead to a drop in sales and profits.

Our approach

Modern self-service BI is able to correlate all data - regardless of source or format - and analyze data at any time from any end device. With solutions such as Tableau or Power BI, users can obtain information exactly when it is needed - at the point of decision. So that profit opportunities, turnover, margins and market changes or product sales can be monitored in real time.

Call Center / Customer Service Center

The challenge

All activities within a call center are related to three interacting dimensions: Time, quality and cost. The task is to reconcile the time required to provide the service with the desired quality at a reasonable cost. Effective management is required to ensure that the dimensions are successfully coordinated. A typical challenge here is the procurement of information and the creation of reports for control purposes.

Reports in call centers are usually still created using standard spreadsheet programs, which in many cases are filled in manually. This approach harbors great potential for error, requires a great deal of effort and ties up personnel capacity. Other hurdles include inconsistent databases, reports that are too static and a lack of flexible, dynamic evaluation options. The result is that many call centers tend to operate a reactive control system.

Our approach

Modern BI technologies are an ideal platform for implementing more proactive control. Lightweight technologies such as Tableau or Power BI can make day-to-day operations in the call center much easier, as they bring together all the essential information for control and provide it in intuitive, interactive dashboards.

Once the required data sources have been brought together, information is available to the responsible persons almost in real time. In the next step, the database also offers the possibility of using forecasting models to implement proactive planning of personnel capacities. This not only improves service quality, but also saves time and costs.

We ensure that the call center can be managed much more efficiently and in a more targeted manner in the future by automating data processing and providing an intelligent data platform including interactive dashboards.


The challenge

When optimizing online stores, the use of professional web and store tracking is largely standard. Key figures such as conversion rate, shopping cart abandonment or average shopping cart height are well known. However, web tracking only provides a partial view of customer behavior. Important data and key figures can only be included by integrating other data sources. These include, for example, information on returns, offline sales, costs and contribution margins, customer lifetime value or ROI. The prerequisite is therefore an integrated database that is available at all times and allows a holistic view.

Our approach

Tableau or Power BI have a large number of integrated interfaces. Data from Google Analytics, for example, can be easily linked via drag-and-drop with key figures from other systems (ERP, CRM) in a single dashboard, analyzed and displayed in a visually appealing form. Largely without support from IT and in-depth statistical knowledge. The dashboards can also be easily shared with other users or made available centrally. If further questions arise during the analysis, these can be answered by the user themselves in real time using in-depth data analysis (data discovery).

Omni-channel retailing

The challenge

If you want to survive the tough competition in the retail sector, you not only have to keep an eye on purchasing costs, but also continuously optimize sales efficiency. The structured collection and use of data to manage sales channels is already the basis for a competitive advantage that will be even more decisive for success in the future.

For retailers, it is a challenge to integrate data on transactions and customer behavior in the individual retail channels (brick-and-mortar stores, online stores and mail order catalogs) for a comprehensive analysis.

However, it is only by combining and analyzing the data from the various retail channels that relevant buyer segments can be formed. The understanding of the function and interaction of sales channels in the customer journey of the respective buyer group is also consolidated. Based on this, marketing activities can be geared towards customer value, for example, and sales promotion campaigns can be managed and optimized.

Our approach

We are enablers for retailers. By combining data sources and integrating them into intelligent, flexible data platforms, we create the basis for data analysis. With modern solutions for data analysis and visualization. With taod's support, you can gain a comprehensive, cross-channel insight into your business.

We help you to understand the interplay of sales channels in relation to customers, products and regional influences and to use the findings for your company's success.

Analyzing all sales activities and being able to provide all the necessary operating figures requires an intelligent and versatile compatible software solution. This is the only way to guarantee the maximum sales quality of the sales team and make flexible adjustments to changing sales structures possible at any time.

Solutions for self-service BI such as Tableau or Power BI have a large number of interfaces to data sources such as databases, applications or cloud services, which now make data accessible to specialist departments without complex entry hurdles.

taod provides support in selecting the right technology and introducing it. We ensure that specialist departments can work independently but in coordination with IT. As experts in modern data visualization, we help with the implementation of the first visualization. Continuously if required.

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