RPA as an introduction to digitalization

RPA as an introduction to digitalization
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Laura Schumacher
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3 minutes

Process automation for beginners

In a previous article, we described how companies can hand in hand with digital colleagues can manage the automation of certain processes. We then received feedback from some readers that RPA is certainly an exciting topic, but that it seems unrealistic to use it in their own company. This is not because there is hardly any need for process automation, but because robotic process automation is an intangible and complex topic for many. So let's shed some light on the black box.

Robotic process automation may still sound rather futuristic to some, but in reality it has long been integrated into various areas as a matter of course.

If we replace the word "robotic" with "tool", the topic immediately seems more approachable. RPA is nothing more than the automation of processes supported by a tool and therefore the automated processing of workflows and business processes. By using software bots, which can interact with other software systems just like humans, repetitive, time-consuming or error-prone tasks that were previously carried out manually are taken over.

Why should companies use RPA?

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) serves as an easy entry point and a good basis for the digitalization of business processes, as the investment in the use of software bots pays off quickly. RPA can be used in a variety of ways across all industries and can lead to a significant increase in effectiveness. Structured and standardized processes in particular can be reliably automated without a great deal of effort, from supporting customer service by processing customer inquiries, to relieving the controlling department through secure data capture, to complete data transfer and data verification in payroll accounting.

When using RPA, a distinction is made between fully and partially automated solutions. While the full automation of processes involves complete tasks, such as collecting, sorting and analyzing large amounts of data, being initiated independently by software bots using defined triggers and imitating the interaction of human employees, partial automation is aimed at cooperation between humans and robots, or tools. The robot takes over predefined, standardized steps that are triggered by certain actions or commands that the employee performs during the workflow. RPA supplements and relieves individual employees or even entire departments so that they can immediately take care of more complex and revenue-generating tasks.

Unlike other digitalization and automation initiatives, the use of RPA does not require any changes to existing IT systems and applications. This means that it can be implemented quickly and adapted easily to save time and operating costs. In order to exploit the full potential of RPA and create a solid foundation for further digitalization projects in the company, a few points should be taken into account:

1. select suitable use cases

A well-founded selection of use cases is important. It should be clear what the possibilities and limitations of RPA are in order to define clear process criteria. Based on this, existing processes can then be evaluated and prioritized in terms of their complexity and business impact.

2. reliable data

Before thinking about digitizing or automating processes, companies should take a look at their data basis and ensure that it is reliably in the right place at the right time with the desired quality.

3. transparent communication

The introduction of automation initiatives entails a lot of changes and therefore sometimes leads to skepticism among employees. Involving employees whose work processes are being optimized, as well as clear communication from the outset, can quickly dispel any concerns. Software bots should not replace employees, but rather relieve them and free them up for other and much more important activities.

4. combination of technologies

It is not only the automation of individual tasks that is important, but also the development of a comprehensive strategy. RPA cannot be seen as the one solution that, once established, will catapult the company into a new digital future. Robotic Process Automation is the beginning of the digitalization of processes and an element of so-called hyperautomation. The combined use of complementary technologies makes sense in order to exploit maximum potential and be well positioned for further process changes.

Automation as a gateway to digitalization

Sustainable companies need RPA, in most cases urgently. The use of suitable software not only supports the digital transformation, it also solves specific challenges. The automation of repetitive, mindless and error-prone sub-processes is the first step towards fully digitalized business processes. Getting started with robotic process automation is straightforward. Anyone who is concerned about the feasibility of implementation and is unsure about possible technologies, or perhaps has not even thought about the strategic framework conditions in detail, can rest assured: RPA is a simple first step towards profitably accelerating tedious routine processes.

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