Our Data Services

Data analytics & AI made in Germany

International data & AI services by certified experts

Never before has so much data been available to optimize business processes. With our Data Consulting Services, we provide individualized and reliable guidance to help each company transition to data-driven business practices. We cover all aspects of data analytics and AI, tailoring solutions to meet specific needs. From developing a holistic data strategy and selecting and implementing cloud tools & data warehouses to data visualization and AI project execution, we unlock your company's data potential. With extensive experience across various departments and industries, and a diverse international clientele, our goal is to empower you to work confidently and independently, consistently focusing on delivering direct added value through our data services.

Starting point for successful data management

Cloud technologies for the modern data stack

Tool-supported data analysis and competent dashboards

Detailed future forecasts with machine learning and AI

Why our data services help you get ahead

Full service provider

Our service portfolio covers the entire life cycle of your data project. We develop individual and intelligent solutions from a single source.


Our team has a broad knowledge base in mathematics, economics and computer science, looks at problems from multiple perspectives and speaks the languages of IT and business.

Modern Data Stack

We bring together cloud technologies in a modern data stack and ensure a professional mix of open source and best of breed.


We let you implement and manage new applications and processes independently. We work in an agile way, adapt to your internal way of working and see ourselves as your sparring partner.

Questions that will help you

Find the right Data Service

Sometimes you don't know exactly which support is right for your problem. If you don't yet know which of our services will help you achieve your goals, you can find guidance here.

Data Services taod Consulting

Don't know where to start?

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Most questions are best answered in a personal meeting. Arrange a non-binding appointment with us.

Do you want your data in the cloud?

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Modern Data Stack

Our Data Warehouse Service modernizes your infrastructure and supports your data with modern cloud-based technologies.

Would you like to replace Excel as an analysis tool?

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Analytics Workshop

Based on a holistic BI strategy, we help you to introduce Power BI or Tableau.

Don't have an overview of your data?

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Order & structure

With a data warehouse as a single source of truth, you gain a complete overview of all your data.

Your contact to us

How can we advise you?

Sabrina Tonnicchi
Sales Consultant
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Firmensitz Köln

taod Consulting GmbH
Oskar-Jäger-Str. 173, K4
50825 Köln‍
Standort Hamburg

taod Consulting GmbH
Alter Wall 32
20457 Hamburg‍
Standort Stuttgart

taod Consulting GmbH
Schelmenwasenstraße 32
70567 Stuttgart