Areas of application for HR analytics

Areas of application for HR analytics
Data and context
Data Strategy
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Philipp Wunderlich
Reading time
3 minutes

Use of data in human resources

From the number of applicants to the reason for termination: HR departments now have more data at their disposal than ever before. This is important data that can help the entire company move forward. To do this, it must be analyzed correctly and concrete conclusions drawn from the results in terms of actions and measures.

Von Stellenausschreibungen, Bewerbermanagement und Onboarding über die Personalverwaltung bis hin zur Lohnbuchhaltung sollte alles einer <a href="" data-webtrackingID="blog_content_link" >konkreten Strategie</a> folgen. Aber eine Strategieentwicklung gestaltet sich schwierig, wenn der aktuelle Standpunkt nicht identifiziert werden kann. Immerhin ist es für HR-Abteilungen möglich, mit Hilfe von HR-Analytics genau diese Herausforderung zu überwinden.

Das Personalwesen hat sich innerhalb der letzten Jahre von einer operativen Disziplin zu einer strategischen Disziplin entwickelt. Solange Personalentscheidungen nur auf Grundlage eines Bauchgefühls getroffen werden, fällt es den Mitarbeitenden immer schwerer, die Entscheidungen und Strategien nachzuvollziehen und zu akzeptieren. Durch die Verwendung von HR-Analytics muss sich nicht mehr auf das Bauchgefühl verlassen werden. Mit <a href="" data-webtrackingID="blog_content_link" >gezielter Analyse</a> können Personalfachleute datengesteuerte Entscheidungen treffen. Darüber hinaus hilft die Analyse, die Wirksamkeit von Personalrichtlinien und verschiedenen Maßnahmen zu überprüfen und zu hinterfragen.

Will there soon no longer be an HR department?

On the contrary, it's about creating the right mix of gut feeling and analytics. Although the person with their gut feeling and expertise remains the deciding factor, HR analytics puts them in a better position to make decisions and can also refute them using neutral data. This enables HR managers to design predictions and scenarios in order to make fact-based decisions. The aim should therefore be to make the transition from administrator to active designer.

Areas of application for HR analytics

Optimize recruiting

Recruiting used to be relatively easy. However, demographic change and the shortage of skilled workers mean that it is becoming increasingly difficult to recruit competent employees. In the past, it was enough to create a job advertisement to which hundreds of applicants responded. Today, HR managers have to approach and present themselves to specialists in order to attract them to their company. First of all, HR analytics puts you in a position to discover specialists and talents so that you can be one of the first to apply for them.

Employee retention

Reasons for termination should be analyzed in order to counteract future terminations. This will retain employees in the long term and save costs that would have been incurred for the acquisition of new employees. If a company succeeds in retaining an employee in the long term, it can analyze past data and develop targeted strategies.

HR analytics is also used in many other areas

  • Behavior prediction
  • Employee satisfaction
  • Personnel culture
  • Employee profiles

Out of the silo

HR is always perceived as a silo in the company. Sentences such as: "They don't know what we need" or "They don't know our business" are unfortunately not uncommon. Through HR analytics, HR understands the core business and is specifically involved in the creation of a corporate strategy. At least when data from other areas of the company, overarching corporate goals and even public data are included in the analysis.

Based on this, HR analytics has a focus that means that no data is analyzed subjectively. The company and its employees are analyzed in their entire context. The aim is not to use data in any form at any price. Instead, the aim should be to answer questions that the HR department is already asking itself with the help of data analysis.

Little digitalization in HR departments

Unfortunately, HR is at the lower end of the scale when it comes to digitalization. For years, it was not necessary to react dynamically to constantly changing circumstances. The awareness and importance of digitalization with all its consequences has so far only reached a few departments in companies.

The market is changing day by day and is demanding more and more from companies. The chronic shortage of skilled workers means that companies are losing their most important employees and are therefore no longer competitive. Social media channels make it easier for recruiting companies to identify and recruit potential employees. HR analytics can change this situation for the better. HR managers should understand the company in the overall context of the market and also make decisions from this perspective.

The bottom line on HR analytics

There is no question that the human resources factor is one of the most complex areas of activity in a company today. Above all, it is the skills and commitment of HR managers and employees that turn competence advantages into a competitive edge. This is precisely why HR analytics is experiencing a major upswing. The in-depth digital view of what is seemingly already known helps to better understand the interrelationships. The digital transformation is in full swing.

Would you like to use analytics in HR?

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