Powerful Microsoft Fabric consulting

Unlock the full potential of your data with generative AI. We help you to make data-driven decisions faster and more efficiently with the help of Microsoft Fabric. We provide you with strategic & technical advice.

Long-standing Microsoft Solutions Partner
Development of a modern analysis solution
Integration into your existing
workloads & processes
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BI and Data Analytics Consulting taod

Our established services


We start by developing an individual, holistic data strategy. We carry out a comprehensive needs analysis and advise you on your architecture.


With Microsoft Fabric, we build a modern analytics solution for you and integrate the platform into your existing workloads and processes.


We provide your employees with targeted training so that they can use the tool safely. We also offer ongoing support and further development.

Request free initial consultation now

Our expertise

Extensive project experience

As an experienced Microsoft partner with more than 350 successfully implemented projects, we know how we can support you in implementing and improving Microsoft Fabric.


We have over 40 certified data experts who are continuously developing their skills. Microsoft audits us regularly to maintain our high quality standards.

Microsoft partnership

We have been a Microsoft Solutions Partner Data & AI since 2019. Thanks to our long-standing cooperation and our strong network at Microsoft, we offer optimal support.

More on the topic of AI & Business Intelligence

BI & Data Analytics Consulting taod Consulting

BI & Data Analytics Consulting

BI strategy, tool selection or modern dashboards. We advise you and implement

For advice
Case Study

Automated sales controlling

Development of an automated reporting landscape for hundreds of employees

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Tableau vs. Power BI Whitepaper

Azure OpenAI and ChatGPT

The functions of Azure OpenAI and how to tailor the GPT models to your use cases

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Sabrina Tonnicchi
Sales Consultant
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Alter Wall 32
20457 Hamburg‍‍‍‍
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taod Consulting GmbH
Schelmenwasenstraße 37
70567 Stuttgart