Central data strategy as a business enabler

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How can data be used efficiently as a strategic resource?

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How can decentralized data landscapes be developed into an integrated structure?

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What framework conditions must the data strategy fulfill?

The company
The challenge
Development of a central data strategy with the involvement of decentralized stakeholders from the various divisions
Development of a compact strategy paper that contains the logical structure of the data strategy including concrete action plans
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Central data strategy as a business enabler

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How can data be used efficiently as a strategic resource?

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How can decentralized data landscapes be developed into an integrated structure?

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What framework conditions must the data strategy fulfill?

The company
The challenge
Development of a central data strategy with the involvement of decentralized stakeholders from the various divisions
Development of a compact strategy paper that contains the logical structure of the data strategy including concrete action plans

Case study on building a centralized data strategy

In order to maintain its own competitiveness in a volatile market environment, particularly with regard to emerging technological innovations in connection with artificial intelligence, RheinEnergie strives for very high speed in data-related work. RheinEnergie relies on external support to achieve rapid results and thus significantly increase its own speed of action. In order to jointly develop a structure or roadmap with corresponding fields of action, RheinEnergie is looking for a sparring partner in the development of a data strategy.

Industry / Sector
  • Energy sector
Technologies used
  • Miro
The challenge
  • Data as a strategic resource
  • New data initiatives
  • Decentralized data landscapes
  • Data quality
  • Legal and regulatory requirements
Compact strategy paper that reflects the logical structure of the data strategy including concrete action plans from vision to implementation.
The new data strategy centralizes RheinEnergie's strategic plans, underpins existing data initiatives and opens up individualized opportunities for the departmental value creation of data. 

Centralized data strategy instead of decentralized data landscapes

In order to drive forward data practices within RheinEnergie in a focused manner, the company aims to develop a data strategy. This should not be developed in isolation, but is closely interwoven with other strategies and supports various stakeholders in achieving their objectives. In particular, links to RheinEnergie's corporate strategy, IT strategy, market area and functional area strategies must be taken into account. The goal of developing a data strategy is derived from various economic, technological and legal developments in RheinEnergie's environment.

Analysis phase to determine the status quo

In this phase, the current status quo of RheinEnergie's data practices is determined. This is done using four workshop formats:

‍DataMaturity Interviews: These interviews help to understand the maturity level of data use and existing challenges.
‍StrategyAssessment: Here, the link to the corporate strategy is examined and recommendations are developed on the direction of the data strategy.
‍DataThinking Workshop: Data-driven innovations and specific use cases are developed in these workshops.
‍ArchitectureAssessment: These workshops examine the existing IT and data architecture for compatibility with the planned initiatives.

The aim of this phase is to develop an in-depth understanding of the current state.

Consolidation of identified and relevant findings

After a detailed analysis of the status quo, taod's strategy consultants collate all the information and identify relevant, overarching findings. The results sharpen the need for overarching objectives and provide the necessary input for the final formulation of objectives. Central initiatives are consolidated. This results in clear fields of action, such as the strengthening of innovation management with closer involvement of the operational areas or the need for more structured enablement. The new cross-divisional understanding of roles and functions is also an important basis for cooperation within the company. 

Strategy development

A roadmap of action areas is defined and assigned responsibilities. The idea is to take an open approach to implementation, so to speak, and thus keep the degree of centralization of the strategy variable. Certain topics are to be implemented in small groups with selected market areas in order to create a kind of blueprint for all other areas. This guarantees the desired speed for the introduction of data-driven processes, as coordination does not have to take place with all 15 divisions. 

Result and next steps

As a result, RheinEnergie receives a compact strategy paper that reflects the logical structure of the data strategy, including concrete action plans from vision to implementation. The next steps planned together with RheinEnergie are illustrated with a concrete timeline. The joint strategy project is seen by both parties as the basis for further cooperation. 

"I would describe the ambidextrous capabilities of companies as a key success factor for the future. On the one hand, we need to improve operational processes in our day-to-day business, and on the other, we need to start looking at use cases further into the future today."

Dr. Heiner Lütjen

Corporate and strategy developer

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Strategy Consulting

Your data strategy as the starting point for successful data management.

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