Key players in focus: Power BI vs. Tableau

Key players in focus: Power BI vs. Tableau
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Frederic Bauerfeind
Reading time
8 minutes

Comparison of self-service BI tools

As a partner of Tableau and Microsoft Power BI, we are always faced with the same question in customer projects. Which of the two solutions for self-service BI is better suited to the specific requirements? This much can be said in advance: There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. Power BI and Tableau are leaders in the self-service BI market. However, each company will have to decide individually which offer is the right one for its particular area of application and the individual requirements of its data analysis.

To provide an initial insight into the differences and strengths of the two tools, we have selected and compared some relevant functions.

Power BI vs. Tableau: Data connection and data preparation

Both Power BI and Tableau have a wide range of options for connecting data sources. This means that all common data sources such as files (Excel, CSV), databases (SQL, Oracle) or online services (Salesforce, Google Analytics) are supported. There is therefore no clear winner in terms of data connection. This is because Power BI and Tableau both have a large number of connectors that make it easy for users to connect the most common databases and flat files.

Once the data sources have been connected to Power BI or Tableau, however, you can see significant differences in the areas of data modeling and data linking.

Power BI

In Power BI, data can be modeled and transformed either directly via the interface or via the Power Query "formula language M". Data tables can be processed, linked and edited directly in the Power BI interface. The familiar Microsoft menu structure and visual support make it possible to create complex data models directly in Power BI. In-depth programming knowledge is not necessary.

Power BI enables the creation of ER models with different cardinalities. Classic data analysis structures can be taken directly from the data warehouse and enriched with additional tables such as a date or region table. Power BI is capable of mapping relational structures and allows cross filters between tables.


Tableau also provides various options for users to connect data sources with each other. In addition to the overall linking (union) of data, individual data sources can also be linked together in Tableau. Tableau supports links between tables in the same database as well as between tables in different databases. Tableau also offers the function of data blending. Data blending is helpful if the data sources used contain data with different levels of detail or granularity.

Currently, a flat table is generated from all links in Tableau, which then forms the basis for data analysis and data visualization. This often results in requirements for the underlying data sources, which should preferably have a relational structure. This relational structure makes working with Tableau much easier.

Power BI vs. Tableau: Visualization via reports and dashboards

Power BI takes a different approach to creating reports and dashboards compared to Tableau. Visualizations are not first created in different worksheets and then integrated into dashboards. Instead, individual visualizations are placed directly within a worksheet and combined into a dashboard.

This is done via a selection of predefined visualizations, which can then be filled with the corresponding dimensions and key figures. Compared to Tableau, this approach in Power BI is not as free and flexible. It is based on the prevailing Microsoft structure and selection within the menus of the visualizations. Power BI offers a wide range of setting options with regard to formatting. Object size, object placement, fonts and colors can be set as desired. The extensive options are both a blessing and a curse. Inexperienced users will find it difficult to find their way around, but will receive clear and unambiguous help with formatting.

Extensions in the Marketplace

A special feature of Power BI compared to Tableau is the Microsoft Marketplace. This enables additional visualizations to be added to Power BI. With Tableau, there are initial tendencies to also offer a Marketplace. However, it is not yet comparable in terms of the amount of content available.

More data analysis with Tableau

Within Tableau, the data analysis aspect is more prominent than in Power BI. It is therefore not surprising that visualizations in Tableau are initially created on individual worksheets. Overall, the visualizations in Tableau look very modern and appealing. Visualizations can be created quickly using drag & drop or the "Show Me" function. The design of dashboards in Tableau is particularly flexible and offers a variety of functions for individual design.

Tableau offers a variety of visualization options that are already directly supported by "Show Me" as part of the built-in best practices. In addition, advanced users can create further visualizations. These include funnel charts, donut charts, Sankey charts or radar charts, which are not created directly with a mouse click.

A summary of several worksheets is defined as a dashboard in Tableau. The visualizations (worksheets) can be combined as desired. Individual visualizations therefore only need to be created once and can then be added to each dashboard. Changes to a visualization are therefore only necessary once, so that it does not have to be recreated for each dashboard.

Story option with Tableau

Another option for preparing visualizations in Tableau is the story function. A story is a series of visualizations that together serve to convey information. Similar to a PowerPoint presentation, a sequence of visualizations and dashboards is created as part of a story. The difference is that, unlike PowerPoint, these contain all the functionality provided in the visualization or dashboard. Tableau offers a number of advantages, particularly with regard to the creation of visualizations and dashboards. Nevertheless, there are also a variety of formatting options in Power BI that offer some design possibilities.

Power BI and Tableau - Distribution of reports

Once the data model and visualizations have been created in Power BI Desktop, users can publish the datasets and reports on the Power BI service (cloud) or the report server. If reports are to be shared with other users, they also need a license for Power BI Pro. The reports can then be used via the internet browser on any PC, tablet or smartphone. For users without a Power BI license, individual reports can be published and made available as a website or iFrame.

In Tableau, users can also share visualizations, dashboards, stories and data sources with other authorized users. All they have to do is publish them via Tableau Server. Users can then view the visualizations via any browser or via native tablet and iPhone apps, adapt them if necessary and create them as their own view. Tableau Server offers largely the same analysis options as Tableau Desktop. In addition, Tableau offers Tableau Mobile, an app that allows users of mobile devices to access Tableau Server as an alternative to the browser.

In addition to being made available via Tableau Server, reports are saved and distributed as a Tableau Workbook including extract. This file can be opened by all users who have at least one Tableau Reader. The Tableau Reader is a free desktop application. With it, users can not only open data visualizations, but also interact with them to filter data, examine it more closely and gain new insights.

On-premise or cloud?

Both Tableau and Power BI provide options for distributing analyses and reports and assigning various authorizations. The main difference is that, unlike Power BI (Pro), Tableau supports an on-premise solution, which is a necessary requirement for some users and companies. On the other hand, deployment in Power BI (Cloud) is significantly cheaper and involves less effort. Many important features in terms of user management and deployment can be found in both BI tools.

Power BI vs. Tableau: Getting started and costs

Microsoft offers various license types for Power BI as a subscription: Power BI Desktop, Pro and Premium. Power BI Desktop is available free of charge for individual users and can be used indefinitely. Power BI Pro, on the other hand, costs €8.40 per month per user and offers additional functions such as collaboration, publishing, sharing and ad-hoc analyses. Power BI Pro is available for a 60-day free trial. Power BI Premium extends the functionality of Power BI Pro and is licensed on a capacity basis. Power BI Premium offers dedicated capacity to support larger data volumes in Power BI. With Premium, content can also be made available for viewing by users who do not have Pro licenses.

Tableau also offers its solutions as a subscription. The prices for the individual license types (Tableau Creator, Tableau Explorer and Tableau Viewer) are offered per person and month and are billed annually. Tableau Creator includes the entire functionality for data analysis and visualization and costs USD 70 per user per month.

Tableau Explorer is designed for users who want to access and interact with or extend reports and data sources provided on Tableau Server. Tableau Explorer licensing requires a minimum purchase of 5 licenses. By combining at least one Tableau Creator and five Tableau Explorers, users can already utilize Tableau Server hosted locally or in the cloud. Tableau Explorer costs 35 US dollars per person/month. For a larger number of report recipients, Tableau offers the Viewer license form (minimum purchase of 100 licenses). The Tableau Viewer entitles the user to access and interact (e.g. filter) with reports stored on Tableau Server.

Comparison of Power BI vs. Tableau: Conclusion

If the focus is on low implementation costs, reporting and, if necessary, data preparation/modeling, then there is a lot to be said for the introduction of Power BI. Power BI offers a free introduction via Power BI Desktop, providing a quick and cost-free way to start analyzing data and discover its added value for the company.

If there is a strong focus on visual data analysis, sophisticated map displays and the use of your own servers, Tableau can really come into its own.

When it comes to costs, Power BI is usually the cheaper option, at least initially. The free trial period is 60 days with Microsoft and only 14 days with Tableau. Power BI Desktop can also be used free of charge with no time limit. Getting started and gradually building up knowledge in the use of the respective tool is therefore much easier with Microsoft Power BI, as the solution can be tested over a longer period of time.

How can you compare Power BI and Tableau yourself?

If you are currently deciding whether Power BI or Tableau is better suited to your use case, please contact us without obligation. We also use Power BI and Tableau in data discovery sessions so that you can experience and compare the different approaches to data analysis and data visualization with your own data.

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