"I don't recommend biting your nails."

"I don't recommend biting your nails."
Data and context
Tech & Tools
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Tanja Kiellisch
Reading time
2 minutes

Frederic Bauerfeind from taod talks about cloud selection

Of course, companies need a professional cloud environment. In fact, it is the basic prerequisite for a scalable and future-proof data stack. However, the selection of suitable cloud solutions from different cloud providers can quickly stall tech ambitions. Why is that the case? A doorstep discussion with our data expert Frederic Bauerfeind sheds some light on this.

taod: Frederic, what often causes companies to bite their nails when it comes to cloud selection?

Frederic Bauerfeind: Companies are often afraid of migrating their data to the cloud. I can understand that. Because they are spoiled for choice. In addition to the countless smaller providers of cloud solutions, Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure and Google dominate the market. Amazon Web Services & Azure each offer over 200 cloud native services. If I wasn't a professional, I would despair. Despite this, I advise against nail-biting.

Why can laypeople quickly despair?

Because it is not easy to identify the right cloud services for you straight away. In addition, some providers not only differ significantly in terms of cloud products, but also have different features in terms of cost structure or security guidelines. Researching and comparing all of this takes time and perseverance, especially for cloud newcomers.

How can I find the right cloud provider for me?

Clarify your needs and questions. The individual cloud services are set up differently. Both cloud providers provide a free contingent to test the use case in the respective cloud. I therefore advise most companies to set up a prototype that best reflects the real conditions. In addition, companies have historically already shown an affinity for a particular software or cloud solution provider. For example, the Microsoft Office 365 universe initially makes many companies think of Azure, as the individual services can be seamlessly integrated. Nevertheless, many companies then decide to use Amazon Web Services. I wouldn't categorically rule anything out here.

And once I have selected the right provider, how do I choose the right cloud products for me?

You simply have to gain experience. The cloud services, for example, are set up in such a way that they are ready for use within a few minutes. The respective service can be switched off again just as quickly. Over time, I have noticed that an open mind helps a lot. Tests and proof of concepts often show whether the right decision was made. All uncertainties are eliminated and the nails remain intact. It's always important to remember that many paths can lead to the same goal - something I've definitely learned in all my years as a data consultant.

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