Data analysis in sales

Data analysis in sales
Data and context
Data Strategy
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Philipp Wunderlich
Reading time
3 minutes

Keep an eye on all the details with Tableau

Analyzing data in sales can be a challenging task. A large and internationally active retail company serves as an example. With several thousand branches and tens of thousands of products in each of these branches, it records a huge volume of data. Sales, product and store data is recorded and stored. If the company relies on intelligent visualization of the data, it can react "just in time" to country-specific trends by evaluating customer experiences and quickly improving product availability and quality.

Providing the right people with the right information at the right time and in the right place is an enormous challenge for a company's sales department. Being able to analyze and manage all sales activities at a glance and to provide all the necessary key operating figures requires an intelligent and versatile compatible software solution. This is the only way to ensure that a sales team achieves top performance, that sales quality is maximized and that adjustments to changing sales structures can be made flexibly at any time.

Tableau in sales

Tableau maps every stage of the sales process, from customer acquisition to territory analysis and sales coverage. The software makes it possible to control and positively influence the process. With user-defined analysis dashboards and special sales dashboards, automatic visualizations can be created in fractions of a second, even for inexperienced users, and accessed from any browser or tablet. The display of different views makes it possible to take a look at the global sales view as well as drill down to individual sales measures. Different sales channels with their independent IT systems, such as online stores and stationary checkout systems, can also be integrated and visually consolidated with Tableau.

The software connects data from different sources and in different formats via a so-called connector. This can be displayed clearly and in real time according to selected criteria. Excel sheets, in-house and web databases and social media can be integrated as data sources, as can Salesforce cloud computing solutions and other CRM systems. Users can define their own flexible sales structures and link them to data, regardless of fixed geographical boundaries such as zip code areas.

Sales and opportunities in the sales dashboard

Who is the best salesperson? In which sales region do we perform best? With Tableau, sales professionals can visualize all relevant performance indicators at a glance. The software connects to Salesforce, for example, and feeds in other data sources at the same time.

Example of a sales dashboard via Salesforce and Tableau. Source Tableau

Controlling and forecasting made easy

The tracking of meaningful quota reports and targets offers managers the opportunity to use daily sales reports to find out what percentage of sales targets have already been achieved in the respective month. A live visualization shows at a glance which region or which sales employees are performing well or poorly. The presentation of possible performance bonuses is automatically taken into account. As soon as a sales employee has reached his or her quota, the corresponding bar in the bullet chart automatically changes color. If there is still a need for action, it is possible to determine exactly how the slump in sales came about.

By incorporating data on sales quotas, demographics and market developments, not only can an automatic forecasting function be used to meet quotas. Helpful "what-if scenarios" can also be simulated with Tableau. In this dashboard for sales, changes in remuneration, quota and commission can be modeled. So how bad would supply bottlenecks be if everyone was already prepared for them?

Visualization of sales per time period, forecasts and the determination of sales performance per product in Tableau
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